Franconia Ridge Loop

Recently I helped take a group of Boy Scouts up and over the Franconia Ridge Loop. The Scoutmaster invited me to speak about Leave No Trace, and to accompany the boys. This way, we could talk more LNT on the way up, and I was also a backup adult in case of trouble.  Like the…

Snowshoeing the Foster Land Trust Spencer Propery

New Englanders love to complain about winter, but we’re sad to see it go. The last sunny and cold weekend I made it out to the Spencer Property, owned and managed by the Foster Land Trust. Our weather tends to be feast or famine; 10 degrees one day, 50 degrees and raining the next. Blame…

PCT Resupply

People have asked me a lot about my PCT resupply strategy. I generally bought as I went, so I didn’t have to buy, and mail, and get sick of, 500 packages of ramen. But the bulk stuff, the trickier stuff, the Amazon-only kind of stuff, I shipped to myself as I went along. Remember, when…

Buck Hill Management Area

Taking advantage of Indian Summer, I hiked through the Buck Hill Management Area in northwestern RI. I’ve done this hike many times, but this time I took a different approach – I went backwards – clockwise this time. Try a familiar hike backwards some time, it’s eye opening what you see, and what you’ve missed….

Pemi Loop 2020

The Pemi Loop – it evokes proper noun status of places like The Great Range, Hat Creek Rim, the Maryland Marathon, and the Hundred Mile Wilderness.  The hike traverses several 4000 foot peaks, with many 360-degree summit views.   There are high campsites, a neat little alpine pond, and some fun scrambles up and down some…