PCT9 – trail mile 166.5

Total miles something like 180.  A long, hot couple of days from Warner Springs.  The feet are unhappy.  But Eagle Rock was awesome.

Mike’s was a handy break.  I figure $4 for 4L of water is an excellent deal.  I skipped the pizza, beer and weed though – no time to play when you’re “crushing” 20+ miles per day.  At least when you’re the tortoise, like me.

Tule Spring itself was awful with people puking, but the camping there was great.

 I’ve been getting up at 5 to take advantage of the early morning hiking. In the morning there are all kinds of birds out comma including hummingbirds. It’s also a lot cooler.  Still haven’t seen a rattler yet, but tons of lizards.

At 145 we hit another cache, SO very nice to get water in the middle of nowhere.

There’s Larry, chugging.

At mile 151 we hit the famous Paradise Cafe, although I did skip the Jose Burger (meat).  A section hiker left us a free round of drinks!

We entered the Trail relocation section yesterday, a convoluted reroute around an area which burned a few years back.  For me it was especially cool, 7200 feet up being the highest I’ve ever backpacked.

With the only water a mile down the ridge, it was a VERY thirsty, tongue-stuck-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth, water-rationed day.  Just when I began to despair with 1 gulp left in my last bottle, we found a tiny stream, enough to draw from and treat.  At that point, the day returned to awesome.  I was a rebel, stepping past the closed trail sign.

We did a crap 3 mile roadwalk, fuelled by Larry’s friend Aaron’s generous supply of chocolate coconut water.  At least the view on the way was nice.

Camping at an RV park we all had a nice meal, fire and rest.

Today the rest of them walked the rest of the relo, while I got a ride in.  I figure its a relo anyway, and the feet have pretty much given out at this point, so I’m awaiting wisdom.  Prickle (a nurse) says at this point to open and drain the whole thing.  Right now it’s just blood coming out.  Trust me, the picture does it no justice.  It’s 10x worse.   Want to see a grown man weep?  Do this to his foot, put 35 pounds on his back and march him 60 miles through the desert.

Tomorrow new shoes arrive, we’ll see what happens.  It will be tough without my trail friends, but that’s the way the world turns.

Thanks all for your words of encouragement.


  1. Gretchen says:

    So nice to catch up with you, sorry to hear about your foot/ blister. I hope the new shoes help. I love the pictures. You’re in my thoughts all the time.

  2. Teek says:

    Nothing like a massive blister to start out the trip. I bet its still way better than sitting on a phone bridge hearing about how we cant do things right because its too hard! Hoping the new shoes help.

  3. Roberta says:

    You’re doing great Eddy. I hope your feet heal soon. Thanks for sharing the hike with us.

  4. bernard s sobel says:

    All the best, Bernie Sobel…

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