PCT5 – 101 miles

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Exhausting and exhilarating 5 days.  I have terrible blisters,  but great companions.  Shared meals, shared stories, shared hitches.  The country out here is amazing, too.  So happy to be out here.
Prickle’s blisters, but I have her beat.  Also, the grime and sand is pervasive, even with gaiters.

Say hi to Larry, Aaron and Cosmo.  (Yes, Larry is a woman)

Went to Julian to take a break from the oppressive heat.  Thanks to all those who maintain the huge water cache in the middle of nowhere at mile 91.

 Hundreds of gallons, just for us hikers.

Passed the 100 mile mark today, thanks to Prickle for the photo.

I can’t keep up with this crew I’m with for too long, Larry is a trail runner, so is Prickle, and Cosmo is just young.  But it’s been great.  It will be good to slow down a little anyway, so my other trail buddies can catch up. 

Looking forward to Warner Springs for laundry and a shower and food, of which I’m carrying too much already.  I’ve been carrying sometimes 6L of water too. It gets heavy, but better than dying.

Still haven’t seen a rattlesnake, but lots of cool other creatures including an iridescent blue skink.

In Warner where there’s power and possibly reliable internet, I might order some new shoes and a few other trinkets.  One guy has a USB rechargeable headlamp, which I could power the same as the phone – handy.

5:30 am and the birds are up, so it’s time to start walking.  Happy Trails all.


  1. Gretchen says:

    Take care of those blisters. Enjoy your hike.

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