PCT141 – 2393 – Snoqualmie Pass

Terse post, not much quality time, power and wifi at the same time.

Aug 28 – 9.6

Escaping White Pass was another tricky move. Food, showers, coffee, wifi … all these things contributed to my 3pm departure. But, the trail was easy, and there was a nice lake. We were crowded, since a lot of people had the same idea, but it worked.

Aug 29 – 21

Got to Sheep Lake in Rainier National Park. Super easy day, perfect weather and water, and lots of berries.

Met Madd Baker finally, and ended up basically eating 2 dinners – 1700 calories worth of grilled cheese and poptarts with him, then my usual mac & cheese for 2nd dinner.

Sheep Lake

21 miles planned to an actual cabin with a woodstove, because it should be cold. But I might do 2 extra to shorten up the next day, and avoid the crowd, and 2 longer grinds to Snoqualmie Pass.

Aug 30 – 22.9

I hiked in the fog all morning with Thumper.

Clear afternoon.

We found out that the Terminus is open! Theres a small detour around whats left of the fire, but that’s it.

A long day planned for tomorrow to camp at some powerlines, to make the day into Snoqualmie that much shorter. There’s supposedly a $20 hostel there, so I might stay over, eat pancakes, charge the phone, and sort my food. Then its an easy 4 days to Stevens Pass.

Aug 31 – 25.4

Poured rain all night, I should have stayed in the cabin.

Less than 300 miles to go.

Cold all day, hiking in the fog.

Mid afternoon we stopped at a hiker feed by “Not Phil’s Dad”.

Short day tomorrow, only 19.6. There will be pizza.

Sep 1 – 19.something

Holy crap, it’s September! Today was yet another morning of packing up and hiking in a cloud. Despite the fog, not much got actually wet. I actually hiked in my down jacket for a bit. Its just like the good old days in the desert.

Horse riders section-riding the trail!


Nom nom nom.

Today was a lot of pines and “green tunnel”. For someone who has spent a lot of time in the New England woods, it was like coming home; rocks, roots, muddy soil, steep climbs.

Random thoughts 90% of the way there

Everyone is tired. And cold. And both eager and reluctant to finish. I think the fog and clouds are taking their toll on people’s moods. Towns are getting harder and harder to leave.

90 percent done means 10 percent to go, which then feels like a long way. In reality its basically 2 weeks, and the weather and terrain really aren’t that bad. Some days are what we call “transit” days, i.e. you just have to do them, so you can get somewhere else.


  1. decrut says:

    A journey of epic proportions for sure, enjoy the final stretch.

  2. Linda Schernau says:

    By the time you see this you will be well past 10% done. So proud of your perseverance

  3. Kim says:

    You’re kicking a whole lotta butt there, Ed. Your journey is inspirational, and amazing! You’ve totally got this, and then you can sit for days when you get home ?.

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