Flashback – AT99 – March 22

(overall trip mileage is here – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16lFn57IGeP09KnCPmpSPyt-2uYJlNwlifZUk2gV1d9k/edit?usp=sharing

Wayah Bald.  There’s a road and a privy up here, and some trail angel left bananas, potato chips, and Gatorade.  Woo!   Came up to the summit with KC, Woodcutter & QT.   Took a picture, fabulous view.  Allyson is up here, Sausage got a little lost.

Damn it was cold last night, 18 this morning, hands were numb!   Only about 35 now, maybe 45 in the sun.

Polish Packer, Flounder & Easy Rider just got here.   Yum, Chris just openened up a sausage.  Guess I’ll eat, then mosey on to the shelter, take a rest, then 2.7 to the campsite.

@Campsite – 4:30 with 1/2 hour rest at Cold Spring Shlter.   124.8 mi in 13 days.

Spring was a mud puddle, but I dug a trench so it would all drain, then spill down over a rock.   Couple of college girls here, and a mother+son thruhiking team!

Should be a beautiful sunset, but the only bummer is that this whole “camping” area is sloped.   But, got my laundry airing on a line between 2 trekking poles, and the bear line is up.   Only need to wait a bit for the groundcloth to dry, and I’ll set up the tent, then try the spring to see if its clear.   Then food.   Then sleep.   Yahoo!

9.3 to Wesser/NC, then 6.0 to a campsite.

All hail Ariela, goddesss of chocolate – the coffee/mocha packages she gave me are wonderful.   2 cups of hot chocolate, a bagel & a fake Lipton & I’m happy as a clam.   I’m NOT happy about sleeping on a hill though.   Turns out the 2 college girls are sisters, 1 in college, 1 homeschooled.   Religious.  From Michigan.  Haha they hung their bear bag 6′ up in the crotch of a tree – mine is a slick 12′ up.   They DID offer me pasta earlier, maybe there’s some desert coming?   All is in readiness.

Today was a good day – I put a demand on my body, and met it.  Every step, breath & heartbeat was synchronized.   Today I was a hiking machine.   Actually ended up with 2 hours to go, but the mileage was enough, don’t want to overdo the knee.   At 9.6 mpd now.  Great to be out here, in the moment for 10+ hours.   Everything I do out here has a purpose, from cooking food to tying up my tent.