Flashback – AT99 – April 10

Ended up doing 15.1 today due to a 1998 reroute.   The problem with using a 1997 book.  Did the “Roan Groan”, 2.3 miles and 2300 feet of pure constant up.   Pigpen did it with me, and man can that little 10 year old kid hike.   Rolled in and Pete Iossi was here again, this time with wine and steaks!   This guy is a Trail Angel madman!

Little Engine brought the candle and holder from the last place, so we’ve got some light in here, the place is kind of dark, clammy cave.   Pretty cool to be inside though, raw out there.

This is the highest shelter on the AT – 6300 feet.  Had a good day, no new blisters and the heels are healing (heeling?).  I think these Smartwool socks are a good choice.

Ramps started coming up, so we all picked and ate some – they’re like onions, but with large lily-like leaves.   Hot/sharp/tasty.  It’s a southerner delicacy.   They go well with Liptons and other things.   Apparently they’re a mountain hick thing, since “they don’t grow down below”.

14.2 tomorrow to that shelter 0.5 from Rt 19E, which is Roan Mtn/Elk Park.   Plan: get to road, hitch in, call home, resupply, then back to the the shelter just S of the trail.  Then its about 70 to Damascus, and some of it looks easy, so maybe April 16?

4.5 miles of downhill to the road tomorrow, woo!