Flashback – AT99 – March 15

(From my hiking journal)

img032 - southern terminus

Did 14.9 miles + 4000 vertical feet with Casey today.  Low Gap -> Montray Shelter (aka Tray Mountain Shelter).  That was a long day.   I was tired as I got to the top of Tray (4450′) since it was a long, arduous climb.  But then I realized that I was dehydrated, so I drank a quart and Casey gave me some Peanut M&Ms, and the world got much less ugly.   My knee wasn’t too bad until we got to the shelter and it stiffened.

46er, an old, fast thruhiker, Ironman, Iceman and Thor were there, Coös came up behind, and finally Sparky and Walrus, two older folks, missionaries with the Navajo were there.  They seemed unhappy and cold.

The view from the top, as was the sunset and sunrise, was beautiful.  Took a photo.  Actually another cool photo was of Casey walking about a mile from Low Gap through the ice-covered trees in the fog.  Casey_in_the_snow

BTW: I have photos of me on Springer, me starting, Bill Delaney, Edie & Sarah, and 1 of Papa’s Pizza in Blairsville.