Found a great resource for RI hiking

While researching my hike through Border’s Farm, I came across this great site focusing on hiking in Rhode Island and SE New England.   Excellent resource. The Foster town Conservation Commission is working with RIDEM and the Foster Land Trust to move part of the North South Trail off the road and onto land managed…

2002 Caretaker season logs – Piazza Rock, Maine

I found my old logbook from when I was a caretaker at the Piazza Rock shelter area on the Appalachian Trail in Maine.  What a terrific experience, it really opened my eyes to Leave No Trace as a philosophy, and the overall effect that small impacts have when multiplied by hundreds.  I spoke to hundreds…

Trip Report: RI North South Trail

Over the holiday weekend I thru-hiked the Rhode Island North/South Trail, a 78 mile path from the Atlantic Ocean to the RI/MA border in Burrillville, RI. Total time: approx 3.5 days Total mileage: approx 80 miles including travel from the trailhead If you JUST want pictures, the full album is here. Overall, a great time,…

1997 AT Mileage

I started southbound in June of 1997, with too much pack weight, bad boots, and a few unrealistic expectations.   By Hannover my fasciitis was so bad, I had to get off the trail.   Here’s a Google doc spreadsheet of my campsites and mileage.   I believe this will be useful to someone planning.   Maine is hard,…

1999 AT hike mileage

In 1999 I completed my AT hike, having done 450+ miles in 1997, getting off the trail in Hannover due to crippling plantar fasciitis.   I’ve created a Google Docs spreadsheet of my camp locations, miles per day, and a running average of miles/day for the whole trail.  Also included is my miles over a 7…