When it’s 101 degrees, bring water

RIP parents who gave their kid the last of their water. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11793114/French-couple-killed-in-New-Mexico-desert-saved-their-son-with-last-drops-of-water.html Plan Ahead And Prepare!

Bison: 1, Woman: 0

Genius discovers that wild animals are wild. “…they knew they were doing something wrong but thought it was OK because other people were nearby…” Translation: “I’m choosing to be irresponsible because others will step in to save me.” Best part: “They tried to run, but the bison caught the woman and tossed her with its…

Weighed in the scales and (not?) found wanting

Heading up to the Adirondacks again, and I thought I’d weigh in, literally.   We bought a kitchen scale recently to help with big batches of canning, and it has a good capacity and resolution.   And its a quiet, hazy afternoon, nothing better than getting your gear sorted. (Jake the Wonder Dog assisting) Short version: Base…

Foster Earth Day Cleanup, part 2

The results are in: We did about 275 people and we disposed of 20,407 pounds of household hazardous waste, included was 9 thermostats and  15 pounds of mercury, 150 pounds of bulbs, 75 pounds of CFLs and 15 pounds of sharps.  Also this number does not include any paint disposed of under the Paintcare program…

Adirondack Trip May 2015

  4 down, 7 out of 46 to go. I got up to Keene Valley at about 10am on Saturday, rented one of those bear cannisters at The Mountaineer, then drove back S to the Elk Lake Preserve to hike Macomb.   A nice flat trail, wet, and then the slide started.   It wasn’t a pure…