Flashback – AT99 – April 18

Wise Shelter – Grayson Highlands

Great day!   Cloudy and gloomy, with flurries.  Once I got past Mt Rogers (highest in VA) the trail entered a big heath, with few trees and a lot of big open spaces.  Very remote and desolate, it reminded me a little of northern England, or some of the more moorish areas in Scotland.   Got a cool shot of the snow and hoarfrost growing on the rocks coming up Buzzard Rock on Whitetop.   Deer running around.


Today was a great day for general Trail Coolness too – yogi’d some malted milk off a day hiker, then a banana & cheese crackers.   Then I found a used hair “scrunchie” on a tree – so I’m not stuck using crappy rubber bands in my hair!   In another time I’d probably think it was gross to use someone else’s dirty hair band, but not now.

Wild ponies here, pretty cool.


Chilly tonight, no camping here, but tomorrow I’ll try the tarp out – if it works I can send the big tent home.  17.5 to the next shelter, not a big deal.   Seven of us here tonight, Shavin’ Dave, Red Fox, Not To Worry, Chewy, Gumby, Super Dave & Roam.   Crowded, but they’re a fun, laid-back group.  Everyone’s already out, I’m the last one up writing, but I’m working the candle instead of the headlamp, so it’s cool.