Pachaug and Tippecansett

Both Pachaug and Tippecansett are real words.   In southeastern New England, there’s a lot of words like this.  It reminds me of a time in Providence when some obvious tourists asked me the names of the rivers.  “The Mohassuck and the Woonasquatucket”, I said, to which they replied, “Oh, come on!”. This was one of…

LT17 – Johnson – 222

Sep 18 – Day 12 Into and out of Waitsfield, with a long stopover at Three Mountain Coffee. After dillydallying as long as i could, I started walking to theedge of town where the road made an obvious split north. Plus, I feel that hitching from th outskirts of town is less likely to draw…

Blue Hills End2End2End

To celebrate the beginning of Summer, and to take advantage of the long days, I drove up to Massachusetts to knock off a long-held goal of mine, a traverse, and back, of the Blue Hills park. Map is here. The Blue Hills are a 7000 acre preserve just outside Boston, in fact, for much of…

PCT Hiking by the numbers

Now that I’m off trail and home for a bit, I’ve been doing some thinking about the trip as a whole.  People ask me “what was it like?” and I reply, lamely, “awesome.”  It’s hard to summarize or boil the experience down in a way that doesn’t trivialize it, but I’m going to try.  Since…