PCT89 – 1411 – Halfway, geysers, and Hat Creek Rim

This will be another weird and slightly disjointed post. While the hotel I’m at has Wi-Fi, of course it sucks and so uploading pictures is a pain.  Because the WordPress app on my phone is still all crashy, editing this post is a nightmare.  Using the non-Mobile version of WordPress is downright maddening.   There’s a…

PCT musings – 10 signs you’re in NorCal

One day, July somehow happened. The fourth calendar month I’ve been out here. I looked around and realized this was new trail. If, like me, you feel like you’re lost or on the wrong trail, don’t worry, you might just be in NorCal. Here’s a handy checklist to see if you are: 1 No snow…

PCT83 – 1284 – coasting into Belden Town

Frying on the way out of Sierra City As those of you who follow my Instagram account (@edthesmokebeard) know, I am convinced that the 3000 ft, 8 mile climb out of Sierra City was put there on purpose by an angry god. Most hikers at least partially believe in Trail Jesus, the being or power…

PCT82 – 1195 – Sierra City

Just a twelve mile stroll How does that old song go? What a difference a day makes? I woke up at the hostel, gorged myself at the Driftwood Cafe, took my third shower, and was ready to go by noon. Rene from the other day had given me her number and told me to call…

PCT72 – 1090 – South Lake Tahoe and the beginning of NorCal

This final chapter of Book Three will be pretty short. From Kennedy Meadows North to South Lake Tahoe is only 78 miles. How am I doing? I have been better. Pushing big days is taking its toll, both physically and mentally. The feet are reblistering after my daily Sierra foot soak. I think I’m also…