PCT2017 Mileage Math

Second in the series of meta-posts, here’s some math around how much hiking I did.   Note that I’ve skipped the days spent in Idyllwild pulling thorn things out of my feet as zeroes, these are just the hiking days. [googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1857J9ph3sQwHohd007660zX4mojnkgmKeEhUMPo_3Uo/pubchart” query=”oid=2042250042&format=image” /] The Google sheets link is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1857J9ph3sQwHohd007660zX4mojnkgmKeEhUMPo_3Uo/edit?usp=sharing TL;DR – Average…

For inspiration, a PCT2017 photo montage

Unemployed and taking a break from pre-hike chores, I started digging through my pictures from last year.   To psych myself up, I’ve put together a kind of highlight reel.   Photo montages with soundtracks are supposedly so last century, but then again, I’m kind of last century. Without further ado.  Featured hikers: Cosmo, Prickle, Larry, Redshift, Utah…